It’s Axel Scheffler at BookTastic Bedford 2021
After a great visit to our first virtual BookTastic BookFest in 2020, we are thrilled that award-winning author Vashti Hardy is returning on Saturday 3rd July with more high adventure and invention with her exciting new book, Crowfall.
Gareth P Jones at BookTastic Bedford 2021
After a great visit to our first virtual BookTastic BookFest in 2020, we are thrilled that award-winning author Vashti Hardy is returning on Saturday 3rd July with more high adventure and invention with her exciting new book, Crowfall.
Steve Cole at BookTastic Bedford 2021
After a great visit to our first virtual BookTastic BookFest in 2020, we are thrilled that award-winning author Vashti Hardy is returning on Saturday 3rd July with more high adventure and invention with her exciting new book, Crowfall.
Zanib Mian at BookTastic Bedford 2021
After a great visit to our first virtual BookTastic BookFest in 2020, we are thrilled that award-winning author Vashti Hardy is returning on Saturday 3rd July with more high adventure and invention with her exciting new book, Crowfall.
Vashti Hardy at BookTastic Bedford 2021
After a great visit to our first virtual BookTastic BookFest in 2020, we are thrilled that award-winning author Vashti Hardy is returning on Saturday 3rd July with more high adventure and invention with her exciting new book, Crowfall.
Laura Ellen Anderson at BookTastic Bedford 2021
After a great visit to our first virtual BookTastic BookFest in 2020, we are thrilled that award-winning author Vashti Hardy is returning on Saturday 3rd July with more high adventure and invention with her exciting new book, Crowfall.
M.G Leonard will be at BookTastic Bedford, 2 July 2021
After a great visit to our first virtual BookTastic BookFest in 2020, we are thrilled that award-winning author Vashti Hardy is returning on Saturday 3rd July with more high adventure and invention with her exciting new book, Crowfall.