BookTastic Bedford is honoured to have illustrator and author, and Bedford resident, David Litchfield as our Patron.

David first started to draw when he was very young, creating Star Wars and Indiana Jones ‘mash up’ comics for his older brother and sister. Since then David’s work has appeared in magazines, newspapers, books and on T-shirts. He has also exhibited his illustrations in both solo and group shows in the U.K, Europe and America.

David’s  author/illustrator picture books ‘The Bear & The Piano’  ‘Grandad’s Secret Giant’  ‘The Bear, The Piano, The Dog & The Fiddle’ ‘Lights On Cotton Rock’ and ‘The Bear, The Piano & Little Bear’s Concert’ are out now.

He has also illustrated a number of picture books for authors such as Ross Montgomery, Andy Stanton and Sally Lloyd-Jones as well as book covers for David Almond, Kate Dicamillo, Neil Patrick Harris, Chloe Daykin and many more.