Our Bedford schools programmers have had their say!
We’ve been working hard with primary schools in Bedford to put on a week-long Book Festival that will really get your students excited about books and reading.
From a shortlist of some of the UK’s biggest authors and illustrators, they’ve chosen the events that they would most like to see at this year’s BookTastic Bedford Schools Programme, 3-7 July 2023.
It’s nearly time to announce the official line-up!
Remember that as well as our LIVE sessions in Bedford, the entire week-long programme will be live-streamed directly into classrooms across the UK.
Take a look at some pictures of our 2022 Schools Programme here
If you are a Bedford-based school and won’t be attending in person, you will get FREE access to the livestream of the entire week.
If you are outside Bedford Borough but in Bedfordshire, you will also be eligible for a discount.
And schools who work with our partners (Schoolreaders and Times Tables Rock Stars) will soon be receiving details of your own discount code.
Put in your diary now! The BookTastic Bedford 2023 Schools Programme will begin on Monday 3 July.
If you’re from a primary school would like more information, please email booktasticbedford@gmail.com with Schools Programme 2023 in the subject title.